Anime: Berserk
Song: Eulogy
Artist: Tool
FINALLY! My 12th video is complete after nearly 10 months! HUZZAH!
This video is a summary of the anime Berserk (more specifically, it is a summary of the relationship between Griffith and Gutts). I tried my best to catalog all of the events of the show in chronological order, going through the rise and fall of both the band of the hawk and it's leader, as well as give a little foreshadowing throughout.
This video represents the most ambitious attempt I have made to incorporate story telling in an action video. That being the case, the song of course plays a big part in this video's ability to actually tell the story, so it is very important that you read of the lyrics of Tool's masterpiece, Eulogy.
WARNING: Since this is a retelling of the anime Berserk, it features many many very important spoilers to the series. Please don't watch this if you haven't seen the anime, as it won't make a whole hell of allot of sense to you, while at the same time ruining a great story. Do yourself a favor if you haven't seen the anime and go check it out.
On a sadder note, I had to edit the song. This hurt me to do, as none of the song I feel is expendable, but it simply had to be done, as footage for an 8:30 minute video is very hard to come by and still be worth watching, let alone 8:30 minutes of Berserk footage (which while it is a fantastic anime, does suffer from a limited budget, and thus suffers from some limited animation). To all you fellow Tool purists, my apologies. I tried for many months to leave the song untouched, but in the end, it needed to happen.
Well, that's about all I have for you guys. This video, in my humble opinion, is my finest work I've produced, so I really hope you all give it a shot and enjoy it. Personally I feel it was the 10 months and roughly 1200 separate errors, crashes, wipes, corruptions burnouts, blowups and missed airplane flights that went into bringing it to you.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Die For Me.avi
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February 20, 2009
King Of The Road
Anime: Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
Song: King Of The Road
Artist: Roger Miller
My 11th video! Woohoo!
This video is a through and through character profile, though really, the character I used (Spike) isn't necessarily the one being profiled. It is more of a retelling of the story in the song, simply put to the imagery presented in Cowboy Bebop.
However, a lot of the elements in both stories match up in many aspects, and even more so is the overall tone of both the anime and the song. I have been a fan of the song for quite some time now, and I felt that it and Bebop would be an absolutely perfect match, each lending it's own take on the other.
This video was actually started about 2 months ago, but after a day of solid editing, I seemed to hit a slump. I reopened the project several times after in the days to come, but every time I went to edit, nothing came out. This bummed the hell out of me, as I really love the song and this video's concept, but I just couldn't manage to come up with anything good. This was (I come to realize later) due mostly to the serious amount of pain I was in at the time because of some tooth problems.
So, I tucked this video away and actually forgot about it until yesterday when Machine and MJ stopped by my house to hang out. I remembered it, dug it up, and showed em the beta, which they enjoyed. Now being out of pain 2 months later, I got a second wind and edited the 2nd half of this vid in one day.
And there you have it. Finished video!
Im really happy the way it turned out, and I hope you all enjoy it! Its a bit different from my usual type of AMV, and no, its not Appetite part 2, so please don't go into it with any preconceived notions. Just have fun!
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - King of the Road.avi
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Song: King Of The Road
Artist: Roger Miller
My 11th video! Woohoo!
This video is a through and through character profile, though really, the character I used (Spike) isn't necessarily the one being profiled. It is more of a retelling of the story in the song, simply put to the imagery presented in Cowboy Bebop.
However, a lot of the elements in both stories match up in many aspects, and even more so is the overall tone of both the anime and the song. I have been a fan of the song for quite some time now, and I felt that it and Bebop would be an absolutely perfect match, each lending it's own take on the other.
This video was actually started about 2 months ago, but after a day of solid editing, I seemed to hit a slump. I reopened the project several times after in the days to come, but every time I went to edit, nothing came out. This bummed the hell out of me, as I really love the song and this video's concept, but I just couldn't manage to come up with anything good. This was (I come to realize later) due mostly to the serious amount of pain I was in at the time because of some tooth problems.
So, I tucked this video away and actually forgot about it until yesterday when Machine and MJ stopped by my house to hang out. I remembered it, dug it up, and showed em the beta, which they enjoyed. Now being out of pain 2 months later, I got a second wind and edited the 2nd half of this vid in one day.
And there you have it. Finished video!
Im really happy the way it turned out, and I hope you all enjoy it! Its a bit different from my usual type of AMV, and no, its not Appetite part 2, so please don't go into it with any preconceived notions. Just have fun!
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - King of the Road.avi
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Holy Leeping Redux
Anime: Ninja Scroll, Ninja Resurrection
Song: Aerials
Artist: System Of A Down
My 9th Video to date! This video is not exactly a completely new idea, as it is a remake of my old "Holy Leaping Ninja's, Batman!" video. However, I feel that I have changed up enough to consider it a new release.
I got the inspiration for this video one day while watching my old Ninja video. I realized that the source was crap, the editing chops weren't exactly up to par, but I still loved the concept. It is simply a fun video for me to watch. So I decided to do it some justice with some better source footage. Well, the quality revamp quickly changed into a major overhaul of the video itself.
This video was pure joy for me to make. The only part I had any trouble with was trying to retain the original vid's feel and not go overboard with the alterations. This vid also let me do what I have the most fun doing.... plain old pure action video. I've found that these videos are the ones I enjoy making and watching the most of any genre, so that just added to the overall feeling of fun I had making it.
On a side note, this video contains absolutely NO effects what so ever.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Ninja Redux.avi
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Song: Aerials
Artist: System Of A Down
My 9th Video to date! This video is not exactly a completely new idea, as it is a remake of my old "Holy Leaping Ninja's, Batman!" video. However, I feel that I have changed up enough to consider it a new release.
I got the inspiration for this video one day while watching my old Ninja video. I realized that the source was crap, the editing chops weren't exactly up to par, but I still loved the concept. It is simply a fun video for me to watch. So I decided to do it some justice with some better source footage. Well, the quality revamp quickly changed into a major overhaul of the video itself.
This video was pure joy for me to make. The only part I had any trouble with was trying to retain the original vid's feel and not go overboard with the alterations. This vid also let me do what I have the most fun doing.... plain old pure action video. I've found that these videos are the ones I enjoy making and watching the most of any genre, so that just added to the overall feeling of fun I had making it.
On a side note, this video contains absolutely NO effects what so ever.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Ninja Redux.avi
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Source: Brotherhood Of The Wolf
Song: Sleep Now
Artist: Hughes Hall
My 8th Video to date! This video represents a completely self indulgent effort. It is also my first journey into using live action footage instead of anime (a learning experience to be sure).
I used footage from the amazing French film Brotherhood of the Wolf (Le Pacte Des Loups), which as you will see has some of the most impressive visuals of almost any live action movie (apart from being just an excellent film, I highly suggest you go check it out if you haven't already). The song Sleep Now from the Dark City soundtrack captures the feel of the movie pretty well in my opinion as well.
What my goal in this video was, was to create a trailer of sorts that would make the viewer who hadn't seen the film want to go out and watch BoTW, and for those of you who have seen it, be something a little more than a simple string of images to groovy music.
I also went through a lot of lengths to not show too much of any key elements or characters, so those of you who haven't seen the movie don't worry about watching this video.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Sleep.avi
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Song: Sleep Now
Artist: Hughes Hall
My 8th Video to date! This video represents a completely self indulgent effort. It is also my first journey into using live action footage instead of anime (a learning experience to be sure).
I used footage from the amazing French film Brotherhood of the Wolf (Le Pacte Des Loups), which as you will see has some of the most impressive visuals of almost any live action movie (apart from being just an excellent film, I highly suggest you go check it out if you haven't already). The song Sleep Now from the Dark City soundtrack captures the feel of the movie pretty well in my opinion as well.
What my goal in this video was, was to create a trailer of sorts that would make the viewer who hadn't seen the film want to go out and watch BoTW, and for those of you who have seen it, be something a little more than a simple string of images to groovy music.
I also went through a lot of lengths to not show too much of any key elements or characters, so those of you who haven't seen the movie don't worry about watching this video.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Sleep.avi
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Life On Mars
Anime: Armitage III: Polymatrix, Armitage III: Dual Matrix
Song: Buddah For Mary
Artist: 30 Seconds To Mars
My 7th (and what some may call my comeback) video to date. Where to begin with the creation of this thing. This video has taken me by far the longest of any of my vids, but not because of some insane effects or grandiose theme, but for the simple fact that I COMPLETELY ran out of footage at least for times. This made things very difficult (and a little discouraging) to edit, but I pressed on, and the end result is one that I can say I'm proud of.
This video a character profile, but deep down, its an action video at heart. I felt the song represented Naomi Armitage just as well as Appetite for Dynamite represented the Bebop crew, making it a must for me to edit.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Life on Mars.avi
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Song: Buddah For Mary
Artist: 30 Seconds To Mars
My 7th (and what some may call my comeback) video to date. Where to begin with the creation of this thing. This video has taken me by far the longest of any of my vids, but not because of some insane effects or grandiose theme, but for the simple fact that I COMPLETELY ran out of footage at least for times. This made things very difficult (and a little discouraging) to edit, but I pressed on, and the end result is one that I can say I'm proud of.
This video a character profile, but deep down, its an action video at heart. I felt the song represented Naomi Armitage just as well as Appetite for Dynamite represented the Bebop crew, making it a must for me to edit.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Life on Mars.avi
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Appetite For Dynamite
Anime: Cowboy Bebop
Song: Appetite (For Lightin' Dynamite)
Artist: Citizen Cope
This is my sixth video to date. I made this in exactly one week, and enjoyed every minute of it.
I had originally been weary to make a Bebop video until now, do to my love for the series and my doubts on being able to do it justice. Once I heard Appetite for Dynamite though, that all changed. The song is an absolutely PERFECT match for the characters Spike and Fay. The song is about Darin and Avril, and their somewhat self destructive lifestyles. Both parts of the song (one for Darin and one for Avril) parallel Spike and Fay accordingly to a tee, making this video nothing but fun to edit.
I took a slightly different approach to editing this, but I hope you all enjoy it just the same.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Appetite for Dynamite.avi
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Song: Appetite (For Lightin' Dynamite)
Artist: Citizen Cope
This is my sixth video to date. I made this in exactly one week, and enjoyed every minute of it.
I had originally been weary to make a Bebop video until now, do to my love for the series and my doubts on being able to do it justice. Once I heard Appetite for Dynamite though, that all changed. The song is an absolutely PERFECT match for the characters Spike and Fay. The song is about Darin and Avril, and their somewhat self destructive lifestyles. Both parts of the song (one for Darin and one for Avril) parallel Spike and Fay accordingly to a tee, making this video nothing but fun to edit.
I took a slightly different approach to editing this, but I hope you all enjoy it just the same.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Appetite for Dynamite.avi
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Soultaker's Mission
Anime: The Soultaker
Song: The Mission
Artist: 30 Seconds To Mars
My 5th video to date. With this effort I really wanted to make a strait action video, one that the audience could get excited over watching it. When I finally saw Soultaker, I realized it would be the perfect anime to accomplish my goal. With a bit of help from a friend of mine, I also was enlightened to the existence of an awesome band by the name of 30 Seconds to Mars. I listened to a few tracks and was convinced that there would be about 100 videos featuring these guy, but to my surprise, not one existed. I do however, get the feeling that they will be the next Linkin Park as far as AMVs are concerned, with there broad appeal and high energy, multi-layered songs. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this video. Myself and Beowulf both went through hell trying to overcome a horrendous bug that hindered my ability to export it in its entirety, but I think it was all worth it. Enjoy!
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Soultakers Mission.mpeg
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Song: The Mission
Artist: 30 Seconds To Mars
My 5th video to date. With this effort I really wanted to make a strait action video, one that the audience could get excited over watching it. When I finally saw Soultaker, I realized it would be the perfect anime to accomplish my goal. With a bit of help from a friend of mine, I also was enlightened to the existence of an awesome band by the name of 30 Seconds to Mars. I listened to a few tracks and was convinced that there would be about 100 videos featuring these guy, but to my surprise, not one existed. I do however, get the feeling that they will be the next Linkin Park as far as AMVs are concerned, with there broad appeal and high energy, multi-layered songs. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this video. Myself and Beowulf both went through hell trying to overcome a horrendous bug that hindered my ability to export it in its entirety, but I think it was all worth it. Enjoy!
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Soultakers Mission.mpeg
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Excuse Me...Who Are You?
Anime: Perfect Blue
Song: To Have And To Hold
Artist: Deftones
My answer to Beowulf's Keep Breathing video (isn't that one good?), this video embodies my desire to just try something a little different. I can tell you right now that some people wont dig it, but I hope you give it a chance. Perfect Blue and To Have and to Hold seem as if they were written for each other, so making the video was a joy. I tried to limit spoilers in this vid (I cant think of any that are in there, but I've probably overlooked 1 or 2), but like my Vampire Story vid, you probably want to watch Perfect Blue before viewing this.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Who Are You.avi
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Song: To Have And To Hold
Artist: Deftones
My answer to Beowulf's Keep Breathing video (isn't that one good?), this video embodies my desire to just try something a little different. I can tell you right now that some people wont dig it, but I hope you give it a chance. Perfect Blue and To Have and to Hold seem as if they were written for each other, so making the video was a joy. I tried to limit spoilers in this vid (I cant think of any that are in there, but I've probably overlooked 1 or 2), but like my Vampire Story vid, you probably want to watch Perfect Blue before viewing this.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Who Are You.avi
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A Vampire's Story
Anime: Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Song: Climbing Up The Walls
Artist: Radiohead
My third video using Adobe Premiere, I opted for a much more serious and mood oriented piece than my previous offerings. I feel that Radiohead's Climbing Up the Walls is the perfect moody dark piece of music to reflect the moody, dark world of VHD. The video itself doesn't contain spoilers, but I suggest you watch the movie before watching this video. I'm pretty happy with the way this video turned, and hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed making it.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - A Vampires Story.mpg
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Song: Climbing Up The Walls
Artist: Radiohead
My third video using Adobe Premiere, I opted for a much more serious and mood oriented piece than my previous offerings. I feel that Radiohead's Climbing Up the Walls is the perfect moody dark piece of music to reflect the moody, dark world of VHD. The video itself doesn't contain spoilers, but I suggest you watch the movie before watching this video. I'm pretty happy with the way this video turned, and hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed making it.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - A Vampires Story.mpg
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Aerodynamic Ghosts
Anime: Ghost In The Shell
Song: Aerodynamic
Artist: Daft Punk
This is my first video using Adobe Premiere. Not my best work in my opinion, but most people seem to dig it . Also, it doesn't feature a Nine Inch Nails song.......WOO HOO! I actually like NIN, just not in another Ghost in the Shell Video. I hope you all enjoy it.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Aerodynamic.mpg
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Song: Aerodynamic
Artist: Daft Punk
This is my first video using Adobe Premiere. Not my best work in my opinion, but most people seem to dig it . Also, it doesn't feature a Nine Inch Nails song.......WOO HOO! I actually like NIN, just not in another Ghost in the Shell Video. I hope you all enjoy it.
Download Link: Studios - Wonka - Aerodynamic.mpg
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Comments: Leave them. <3
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